If you have that pile of old stuff that's just been sitting in the barn or basement, then it might be something we've been looking for.
Old cameras, tape systems, terminal gear? Old hardware manuals? Give us a holler.
We've really been full up for the past few years, but when something really interesting comes along, we have to make room for it. For us, older is better!
It's a phrase we've been using a lot lately.
Our long term goal is to reconstruct an entire early television station
as a living operational facility and museum in true vintage technologies.
Got skills? Talent? Some pieces need custom parts fabricated.
If you would like to help us in our work - fashion a mechanical item, whatever -
please consider contributing some spare time and talent to our much needed
restoration efforts.
Got Old TV Stuff ?
And finally, money always helps too! Click here for our Go Fund Me page: